Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

2.2 A Simple Taxonomy of Data

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Data (datum in singular form) refers to a collection of facts usually obtained as the result of experiments, observations, transactions, or experiences. Data may consist of numbers, letters, words, images, voice recordings, and so on, as measurements of a set of variables (characteristics of the subject or event that we are interested in studying). Data are often viewed as the lowest level of abstraction from which information and then knowledge is derived. At the highest level of abstraction, one can classify data as structured and unstructured (or semi-structured). Unstructured data/semi-structured data is composed of any combination of textual, imagery, voice, and Web content. Unstructured/semi-structured data will be covered in more detail in the text mining and Web mining chapter. Structured data is what data mining algorithms use and can be classified as categorical or numeric. The categorical data can be subdivided into nominal or ordinal data, whereas numeric data can be subdivided into intervals or ratios. Figure 2.2 shows a simple data taxonomy.

Figure 2.2 Simple taxonomy of Data

• Categorical data represent the labels of multiple classes used to divide a variable into specific groups. Examples of categorical variables include race, sex, age group, and educational level. Although the latter two variables may also be considered in a numerical manner by using exact values for age and highest grade completed, it is often more informative to categorize such variables into a relatively small number of ordered classes. The categorical data may also be called discrete data, implying that it represents a finite number of values with no continuum between them. Even if the values used for the categorical (or discrete) variables are numeric, these numbers are nothing more than symbols and do not imply the possibility of calculating fractional values.

• Nominal data contain measurements of simple codes assigned to objects as labels, which are not measurements. For example, the variable marital status can be generally categorized as (1) single, (2) married, and (3) divorced. Nominal data can be represented with binomial values having two possible values (e.g., yes/no, true/ false, good/bad), or multinomial values having three or more possible values (e.g., brown/green/blue, white/black/Latino/Asian, single/married/divorced).

• Ordinal data contain codes assigned to objects or events as labels that also represent the rank order among them. For example, the variable credit score can be generally categorized as (1) low, (2) medium, or (3) high. Similar ordered relationships can be seen in variables such as age group (i.e., child, young, middle-aged, elderly) and educational level (i.e., high school, college, graduate school). Some predictive analytic algorithms, such as ordinal multiple logistic regression, take into account this additional rank-order information to build a better classification model.

• Numeric data represent the numeric values of specific variables. Examples of numerically valued variables include age, number of children, total household income (in U.S. dollars), travel distance (in miles), and temperature (in Fahrenheit degrees). Numeric values representing a variable can be integer (taking only whole numbers) or real (taking also the fractional number). The numeric data may also be called continuous data, implying that the variable contains continuous measures on a specific scale that allows insertion of interim values. Unlike a discrete variable, which represents finite, countable data, a continuous variable represents scalable measurements, and it is possible for the data to contain an infinite number of fractional values. • Interval data are variables that can be measured on interval scales. A common example of interval scale measurement is temperature on the Celsius scale. In this particular scale, the unit of measurement is 1/100 of the difference between the melting temperature and the boiling temperature of water in atmospheric pressure; that is, there is not an absolute zero value.

• Ratio data include measurement variables commonly found in the physical sciences and engineering. Mass, length, time, plane angle, energy, and electric charge are examples of physical measures that are ratio scales. The scale type takes its name from the fact that measurement is the estimation of the ratio between a magnitude of a continuous quantity and a unit magnitude of the same kind. Informally, the distinguishing feature of a ratio scale is the possession of a no arbitrary zero value. For example, the Kelvin temperature scale has a no arbitrary zero point of absolute zero, which is equal to –273.15 degrees Celsius. These zero points is no arbitrary because the particles that comprise matter at this temperature have zero kinetic energy.

Other data types, including textual, spatial, imagery, video, and voice, need to be converted into some form of categorical or numeric representation before they can be processed by analytics methods (data mining algorithms; Delen, 2015). Data can also be classified as static or dynamic (i.e., temporal or time series). Some predictive analytics (i.e., data mining) methods and machine-learning algorithms are very selective about the type of data that they can handle.

Providing them with incompatible data types may lead to incorrect models or (more often) halt the model development process. For example, some data mining methods need all the variables (both input as well as output) represented as numerically valued variables (e.g., neural networks, support vector machines, logistic regression). The nominal or ordinal variables are converted into numeric representations using some type of 1-of-N pseudo variables (e.g., a categorical variable with three unique values can be transformed into three pseudo variables with binary values—1 or 0).

Because this process may increase the number of variables, one should be cautious about the effect of such representations, especially for the categorical variables that have large numbers of unique values. Similarly, some predictive analytics methods, such as ID3 (a classic decision tree algorithm) and rough sets (a relatively new rule induction algorithm), need all the variables represented as categorically valued variables. Early versions of these methods required the user to discretize numeric variables into categorical representations before they could be processed by the algorithm.

The good news is that most implementations of these algorithms in widely available software tools accept a mix of numeric and nominal variables and internally make the necessary conversions before processing the data. Data comes in many different variable types and representation schemas. Business analytics tools are continuously improving in their ability to help data scientists in the daunting task of data transformation and data representation so that the data requirements of specific predictive models and algorithms can be properly executed.